Tuesday, August 14, 2018


My whole life has been dictated by the time I've spent waiting and the things I've waited on
Minute hand slips to hour hand as patience slips to perseverance 
But my dear
You broke my clock
When I first met you the gears ticked a little faster and my hands slid down my sides as I tried to find something to chime in with
I had never seen something timeless before in my life
Like a living anomaly embodied in the whip crack of your humor and the picturesque curve of your smile 
But it wasn't until I began to know you that my clock finally broke as the cogs stopped working in admiration of your presence
For the first time I didn't want to measure my life by the hours I had passed, just the people I passed them with
I had experienced whole lifetimes in the moments I saw your guards drop.
I've never wanted to slip the hands of time and swing from present to future like a pendulum before
warning my grandfathered tendencies of over practiced patience not to mistake challenge with comfort
If a moment with you feels like an eternity
Then I will etch a lifetimes worth of hopes into the few minutes I get with you
And until then
I'll wait for the ticking to stop once more
As you enter the room

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