Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Solar Fling

Have you ever seen a solar eclipse?
The answer should be no
It’s dangerous to make that mistake
Staring directly at cosmic cataclysm occurrence
The sun burns so bright, even the moon couldn’t hope to hide it’s entire expression
The light is said to be so strong it burns through your eyes like window panes to the corneas behind
Until eventually you’re blind to other light around you, as the world seems darker
I pause as i sit in my therapist's office
The hard plastic coated recliner is cracked like the minds of its inhabitants
The instability almost seeping into the interior upholstery
I shift uncomfortably as the chair squeaks like the gears in my mind
I finally admit “I stared at a Solar Eclipse”
I dated one
Spent my free time with a being so bright it’s impossible to look directly at her without some sort of barrier
It was usually substances
Finding herself most settled in bad tasting booze
Smoke screens thrown up with each bowl pack
She had many obstacles between her light and your eyes
Par for the course with cosmic beings
I made the mistake of meeting her at the bottom of each bottle
And rolling with each of her overpacked punches
Until I was so close to her, I forgot to wear my blinders
Stared directly into the sun of her soul and saw the darker core
The scars that hide in plasma faced sunspots and flare ups
As a child, she was courted by apollo
Picked up each morning and carried through the days horizon lines by his will
It took a little while for her to realize toxic relationships look a lot like her mirrored reflection
So she flirted with an overly brave boy who flew close to her light,
He was so blinded he didn’t see his ground fall from beneath him
Her icarus fell to earth, and she learned to hide behind storm clouds
Let depression thunder as flashes of lightning anxiety froze her
She muted herself
Tried to fade out
But stars are meant to supernova
I traded the edges of my iris for the golden ring of her profile so she could see her halo in my eyes
Put her on such a pedestal she was afraid of the drop
Began building ladders to escape routes, i hadn’t been able to see for a long time
She left me with a blindness to the light around me
And a picture perfect permanent imprint of her image burning bright through the darkness I’d begun to see, like an ironic reminder of why you can’t love a solar eclipse

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