Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Stuck- Getting closer to recent

Have you ever been stuck?
The fear and anxiety is overwhelming
In an instant your heart jumps to a high rate and adrenaline kicks in as you realize no matter how hard you try, you're stuck
But usually, if you're lucky, the experience is momentary and passing 
But I've been immobilized for far longer than minutes 
See I've been stuck like molasses made mortal. 
Frozen for months in this sticky state of failed expectations and lack of ambition
It's remembering the days when you were a dinosaur
Before you got stuck, frozen like fossilized time capsules
Reliving past failures
Past futures
Shit didn't I already work this job?
Haven't I already managed this disease?
When did I trade my brighter future for a pause from reality and a breath of fresh air?
Growing up you always hear the grass is greener, but I think I must be colorblind cause I've been stuck roaming from pasture to prairie praying for a glimpse of anything brighter than my now
My sunrises and sunsets only tinge amber like an exhibit on display 
The moment I got stuck 
I let that fear and adrenaline freeze me like medusa was staring down my future
putting me in the past, 
I almost ended up building my home on memory lane, rather than walking down it
Forgot that I could just keep going
That the only thing I was stuck in was the past 
See, The difference between being stuck for a moment
And being stuck in a moment
Is an eternity
And I'm only just now getting free

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