Thursday, June 2, 2011

your lips

Your lips
They tell me the information I need and want to hear
Without even uttering a word
I get so lost in them I don’t even hear what you’re saying.
I guess I should have paid attention though because
Those two things that keep me connected to the real world and fantasy
Were spewing utter venom in the words said to me yet I did not hear them
I was entranced by them
They were so magical so wonderful
I could not take my eyes off them.
Only when they turned and left did I snap out of it and hear the words
The words full of hate being thrown at me
By my two favorite things
The chemicals being spat in my face burned to the point where I could not see
Could not see who I was
What I had become
Who I was hurting
When the hazardous substances washed away I saw your lips
But not in the same way
Instead o being wonderful and magical
They were a reminder
That I need to stop and think
The one thing that almost broke my relationship with you
Is now the thing that keeps it alive
Your lips.

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