Thursday, June 2, 2011


Her own body fighting against her,
Trying to stay alive
Not for her benefit
But for ours
Unfortunately this is a battle
That cannot be won by strength
Or perseverance
The only thing that can help fight this
Is medication.
But she is already drugged.
Drugged on the idea that this disease
Can be cured.
However this drug can not be prescribed
And does not have a daily dosage
This drug is the epitome if society
The thing that keeps it together
Or breaks it apart
This drug is belief.
Belief that anything can be changed
A disease
The world
World hunger
And so much more
But because this drug is never prescribed
It is so rare
The world needs a shot of it now
Because they seen to have gone crazy
Thinking that by simply by taking a pill
You will be fine.
But this is so much stronger than a pill
Or a syrup!
Instead if getting high on the drugs in the kitchen,
Get high on the drugs of imagination and belief
The ones that appear
To disappear when they are needed the most.
But this is only an illusion
They are never gone
We just overlook them as we reach to the back for something stronger.
The medicine of delusion.
The brains way of forgetting things for awhile.
Of not focusing on what is important
But instead on what is interesting.
So instead of hearing about AIDS and war
You hear about how Angelina and Brad
Tore apart because it is easier.
Easier to focus on the superficial
Than the stuff that isn't artificial
Like the pain of children dying.
As she hears the screams of the tortured souls who did not pay attention when they should have.
She is slipping under the influence of belief.
Belief that this is a dream,
That she can survive,
And that the world is a happy place. But she looks over and realizes that she has been on the wrong meds all along.
Instead of believing she was dreaming
Because she was taking delusions
And as she rips the IV from her arm and walks away to fight another day she only starts to realize that many think that they believe
but only few are not under the influence of delusion. So she stands living breathing and fighting for awareness not for herself, but for us.

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