Thursday, June 2, 2011

water crisis poem

Sung: (cry me a river..oh..cry me a river..cry me..cry me a river..oh please..cry me a river..oh)

Those who live in and have only known America
Will not understand this poem
Because they can not grasp the pain of those in foreign lands
Who would gladly be willing to cry a river
If it meant clean water for them and their family
Because you see
Those who live in such places as Haiti, Caracas, and almost all of Africa
Have no source of clean water.
We give them wells when we have no choice but over here in lovely america
We know not what it feels like to be hungry, or truly thirsty
We simply know that we have all the water we need from one little tap
We have built in dispensers not 3 mile walks to usually dirty wells.
And as we drink this pure water with no effort whatsoever
We are guzzling down a slowly depleting resource.
And the slowly draining basins all over the world
Are the inspirations of this poem
So drop your shields and sacrifice
As easily as a stoner drops acid or mixes perfectly clean water with his bong.
And for those who say well we will run out of water eventually
Then how can we afford to let the druggies use water for their own “special projects”
Everyday we dump excess water down the drain
And with that we dump a persons chance of living right out the window
It is time for us to act
Not step back as we have in the past
We can save those countless lives by donating even just our excess water
And the only thing we will have to worry about then is
Are we too late
To make a difference?
Sung: (cry me a river..oh..just find me a river..just cry..cry me a river..oh please..just find me a river..oh)

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