Thursday, June 2, 2011

popularity equation( really early poem )

It isn’t about the letters on your grade sheet
Why can’t it be about uniquity?
I am talking about the difficulty of understanding popularity
We are taught to be ourselves and different
But those rewarded in life represent nothing but conformity
This is the eternal unbroken code of popularity
For some the instinct to be the same is innate
For others it is taught and learned
But I really hate working to be something I’m not
Let’s analyze the word popularity
P is for the perseverance required to remain popular
O is for obsolete which is what happens to this skill when you’re out of school
P is for plundering your soul forever
Now let me explain further on plundering
This is a variable in the equation not the answer
All it does it hurt not help
Kill not create
And when it is all over you are left with ex-friends
And no soul
So if you are considering attempting this equation
Understand that the outcome will always be negative
Back on track we go on to
U is for unending devotion to the lifestyle of popularity
L is for losing life skills to gain fake friends but don’t forget to carry the O for this part
A is for arrogance which is critical to be popular because if you are Arrogant you can’t comprehend the emotions of others as you crush them in an attempt to be noticed
R is for ripping and tearing away all chances at a few real friends for a bunch of fake friends.
I is for the instincts required to get noticed and stay popular
T is for the total destruction of a normal life in order to maintain a fake one
And Y is the question people always ask when they realize the cost of being popular
And I know these words firing from my mouth constantly
Just like the chemicals from a factory must confuse you
But pay attention to the equation
Because if you do you might realize why the code hasn’t been broken
Why the equation hasn’t been solved
It is because breaking this code and solving this equation with 10 variables
Gains you nothing but pain
And costs you everything that makes you you.
So forget popularity like me
And focus only on uniquity.

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