Thursday, June 2, 2011

crisis contest

The pain of others crying
In places long forgotten
Because a new crisis became the focus.
These cries hurt me but apparently no one else.
We as a country focus on the worst crisis possible
And help,
But only until another one comes along,
And then we act like the old crisis
Does not exist anymore.
“This is so fucked up”
I scream
But they can’t hear me,
They are too busy
Focusing on the war in iraq,
But wait news flash,
Now it’s Haiti,
Then Chile
How degrading it must be
To lose out on the wrold crisis contest.
But these contestants did not volunteer
Mother earth put them there.
However, she did not intend to leave them in the dust,
Because it just happened.
A complete coincidence
That 33 chilean miners got stuck underground
Right after the earthquake in Haiti.
However, we must take blame
For abandoning Haiti
Just because chile screamed louder.
I guess this is the universe
Giving a personal “fuck you”
To the losing contestants
But they can’t hear
Because of the shrieking of those still in pain
Who are realizing there are no winners in this game
Only survivors.

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