Thursday, June 2, 2011


For many it is only a word
For me it is a lifestyle
Experiencing it is impossibly hard
I have been told all my life that I am too loud
Ever since I was a little boy my voice was larger that any others I knew
I used to think it was just loud
I now understand that it was simply afraid of being oppressed
Of being silenced
By the time I realized what was happening it was already too late.
I have been told that it is not fair to have a voice like mine
That because others can not do what I can I should not be allowed too either
At first I agreed to this it made sense
I then realized what was happening
I was being silenced
I try my best to stay quiet
It is harder than anyone can know.
It’s actually kind of funny though because,
My personality is so loud, yet my favorite thing is the quiet.
It is the only place I can be with my thoughts.
Unfortunately, my thoughts have been silenced.
Then I found poetry. The one place was silence was not tolerable.
I thought I had found my true calling and that I could finally be free,
But I never learn from the past. I should have seen the signs.
The tear streaked face, the cold shoulder, but most importantly,
The silence.
I was told that poetry was not free and that I must work for it and earn it.
I was told poetry is a privilege not a right.
Do you understand were the next words out of her mouth.
I can’t quite explain what happened next but from what I was told I snapped.
All the years of silence and oppression had taken its tole on my voice,
And my voice was pissed.
It decided right then to show the world that silence is not a command that can be forced,
It is a choice that I am done choosing.
So I stand here today, telling you this so that it never has to happen to you,
But I must be too late,
Because all I hear…
Is silence.

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