Thursday, June 2, 2011

the black soldier

We live in a mad house society
Where a sense of national pride
Is more important then the death of a black man
I want to talk to that man
The man who was forgotten or abandoned by all but family
Because of his ethnicity
Want to here his point of view why a one time war hero can become a bad president
But a black soldier can die and be lost without a thought
Thank you Mr. Andrew jackson
Tattoo your name on my skin so I can be reminded
Of what a hero looks like in america
Until given power we adored him
Until he abused it we loved him
But even then we remember him
But forget the black soldier
So etch the letters USA in my brain
So that I can forget like all the others
I here stories of people dying peacefully
But I never heard about your death
Becuase you were the black soldier.
The forgotten underdog who fought to keep us safe by putting yourself
In harms way
And you didn’t even get a proper burial burial ground
We are brainwashed anyway
So your life to us isn’t as a good as a white man’s
But it’s not your fault that mary didn’t have a black sheep with wool as dark as night
Society molded our minds
To fit the shape
Of a secretly demeaning children's book
It wasn't your fault that you had 2/3
2/3 of red white and blue
Your pin prick
Brought the red stick that we all have
Your blue veins
That run through your skin
Like roots to a tree that we all have a connection to
Buy you don't have the pasty skin
That seems to bury within
Our minds and makes us feel superior
Which must be why we all forgot
About you
Because you didn't have the obvious tattoo
Of the white skin
Like a pristine porcelain painting
On your face
We saw only the dark skin of your ancestors
Laced with lines of hard work
Protecting us
Protecting a country
That treated you not as an equal
But as an issue
That needed to be shipped away
So that trouble could not be caused
We treated you as if mother earth
Threw black ink on you
To make us look better
So this is to you
To your brethren
Your kin
And to all forgotten black soldiers
This is so that you may be treated equally
I apologize for my races disgrace
Because we should have learned
That equal does not relate to violence
It creates equivalence
So we say sorry and go out today
In search of the missing black soldiers
That we forgot about in a horrible way

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