Saturday, March 24, 2012


she was prsitine and polished
always had a smile on her face
if you looked close enough you might see the cracks in her copper
we were bonded by blood
but were always back to back
wishing we could walk 10 paces turn and fire
we could never separate
so we grew weak with years of wear and tear
arguments caused rust hidden in shiny copper
our lives lived on a penny that served as an epitaph
it reads "in god we trust"
my sister was always heads
she could see better than anyone else but no one couls see as she let saline slide down herself
i worry she is becoming a shell
the only difference between a smile and a grimace is an attitude my sister mastered so well sometimes i swear it is embedded in her personality.
i was always tails
that explains why i had an opinion about everything on everything that i let everyone know about
i guess i just wanted to throw in my 2 or in my case 1 cents
me and my sister are so oppisite our differences cant even exchange conversations.
i dont think she'll ever know how much i look up to her even when i am facing down
i put her under so much pressure the tears of anger she threw which were black as coal
showed me nothing but pristine diamonds
i try to get her approval
to get her attention
by stealing the spotlight
but i must have bad luck because she keeps struggling to break the hydrogen bonds that hold us together
she's gonna find a way to spearate pretty soon
then all i will be left with is a lonely home shared with a dead president who has a smile carved on his face that my sister left as a reminder to stay strong no matter how many times someone rubs me the wrong way

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