Thursday, June 2, 2011

your lips

Your lips
They tell me the information I need and want to hear
Without even uttering a word
I get so lost in them I don’t even hear what you’re saying.
I guess I should have paid attention though because
Those two things that keep me connected to the real world and fantasy
Were spewing utter venom in the words said to me yet I did not hear them
I was entranced by them
They were so magical so wonderful
I could not take my eyes off them.
Only when they turned and left did I snap out of it and hear the words
The words full of hate being thrown at me
By my two favorite things
The chemicals being spat in my face burned to the point where I could not see
Could not see who I was
What I had become
Who I was hurting
When the hazardous substances washed away I saw your lips
But not in the same way
Instead o being wonderful and magical
They were a reminder
That I need to stop and think
The one thing that almost broke my relationship with you
Is now the thing that keeps it alive
Your lips.

water crisis poem

Sung: (cry me a river..oh..cry me a river..cry me..cry me a river..oh please..cry me a river..oh)

Those who live in and have only known America
Will not understand this poem
Because they can not grasp the pain of those in foreign lands
Who would gladly be willing to cry a river
If it meant clean water for them and their family
Because you see
Those who live in such places as Haiti, Caracas, and almost all of Africa
Have no source of clean water.
We give them wells when we have no choice but over here in lovely america
We know not what it feels like to be hungry, or truly thirsty
We simply know that we have all the water we need from one little tap
We have built in dispensers not 3 mile walks to usually dirty wells.
And as we drink this pure water with no effort whatsoever
We are guzzling down a slowly depleting resource.
And the slowly draining basins all over the world
Are the inspirations of this poem
So drop your shields and sacrifice
As easily as a stoner drops acid or mixes perfectly clean water with his bong.
And for those who say well we will run out of water eventually
Then how can we afford to let the druggies use water for their own “special projects”
Everyday we dump excess water down the drain
And with that we dump a persons chance of living right out the window
It is time for us to act
Not step back as we have in the past
We can save those countless lives by donating even just our excess water
And the only thing we will have to worry about then is
Are we too late
To make a difference?
Sung: (cry me a river..oh..just find me a river..just cry..cry me a river..oh please..just find me a river..oh)

universal remote

Universal: of or pertaining to the universe, all nature, or all existing things: universal cause.
I wish I had a universal remote
Then I could rewind to my childhood
To innocence and freedom
To sunny days with sidewalk chalk on the asphalt in the summer
To not caring about anything but right here and now
Where I was always surrounded by friends and peer pressure was a myth in movies
Not a fact in life
Back then I was oblivious
Oblivious to the never ending pain and turmoil
Completely pure in heart and in mind.
Not understanding that others suffer while I play carelessly
Even though I grew up in Africa where the homeless begged for cash or food
Instead of seeing the tortured souls on the street
I saw the deep blue sky.
I saw the friends of a different color.
No troubling thoughts entered my mind at that age.
I would then pause and stay there forever
Be completely oblivious to death and sadness.
But by age 8 we already start to use the word hate more than love
We start thinking only of the bad and not the good.
Racist comments arise like the heat of boiling water just because it is taught to do so
Because it has no other choice
We were brainwashed at ten to focus only on the opposite gender
Each other boy or friend
Was simply another contender
In the race for love, affection, and to grow up quickly
If I could I would definitely tell myself to slow down and enjoy it.
But enough with the past.
On to the future
Where I could skip the hard work of my school
And forget about the world
Only focusing on my endless job
Day in day out
The same thing
But then I hear something
A fight down the hall
2 co-workers arguing
And I flash back to the present wishing I could go back
Because when you grow up
Nothing changes
The only difference is you have stopped caring instead of not knowing
But at this moment I wish I could be anywhere but here.
However something must be wrong
Because I hit the buttons on this remote yet nothing happens
I start slamming the scene selection
But nothing is working
It must be out of batteries
As I scream to the heavens
PLEASE get me out of here
Anywhere but here.
Then I realize
I am a coward
Instead of embracing the present I am wishing for anything but
And only a true strong soul cares all the time and enjoys their entire life
I hope I meet this person someday.
I would ask him one simple question
Do you know where I can buy a new universal remote?

tuck me in again

Tuck me in again
Tell me everything is going to be alright
And find a way to sprinkle everything you say with love and a pinch of sugar
Now you have met my mother
See she was my captain America
And her shield gave me strength
But eventually I stopped needing it
And I understand I always pull on her heartstrings when I talk about the future
But when she talks I can taste my past
I taste sugar
And I remember those times when Sunday afternoons were for us
Because after-school programs began at noon and PBS broadcasts were the coolest ever.
Arthur always Entranced my imagination
And sesame street taught me that all monsters don't have to be bad
See you always made life magic
And with a flick of your wand you got our attention
And you deserved it
you left your career for us
Put your writing on hold
You created writers block just for us
And you baked sincerity into very aspect of yourself
Taught me to be a man while the boy got to travel in my imagination
See I always got on that plane with my dad
But eventually I started waking up from daydreamed memories
And as we know reality hits hard
So you lent me your shield
And I will never forget when you stood up for us against an overgrown bully
See Kempo karate taught me that adults could be asses too
But you taught me how to make a donkey stable and cage them in my mind
About now is when life whispered lies
It told me that summer breezes were just my sister laughing at me without a sound
And I went to war against an undeserving enemy
On neutral territory
Yet you were always Switzerland
So I started to attack for a reaction
I called it pre-emptive
I think you called it 13
And with each reprimand you still made me realize that both sides are just close minded
After awhile I lost contact with you
I exchange conversations but don't actually speak or listen
I just hide behind the shield I never returned
So tuck me in again
And tell me everything is gonna be alright
So that maybe I can taste that sugary childhood sweetness another time


For many it is only a word
For me it is a lifestyle
Experiencing it is impossibly hard
I have been told all my life that I am too loud
Ever since I was a little boy my voice was larger that any others I knew
I used to think it was just loud
I now understand that it was simply afraid of being oppressed
Of being silenced
By the time I realized what was happening it was already too late.
I have been told that it is not fair to have a voice like mine
That because others can not do what I can I should not be allowed too either
At first I agreed to this it made sense
I then realized what was happening
I was being silenced
I try my best to stay quiet
It is harder than anyone can know.
It’s actually kind of funny though because,
My personality is so loud, yet my favorite thing is the quiet.
It is the only place I can be with my thoughts.
Unfortunately, my thoughts have been silenced.
Then I found poetry. The one place was silence was not tolerable.
I thought I had found my true calling and that I could finally be free,
But I never learn from the past. I should have seen the signs.
The tear streaked face, the cold shoulder, but most importantly,
The silence.
I was told that poetry was not free and that I must work for it and earn it.
I was told poetry is a privilege not a right.
Do you understand were the next words out of her mouth.
I can’t quite explain what happened next but from what I was told I snapped.
All the years of silence and oppression had taken its tole on my voice,
And my voice was pissed.
It decided right then to show the world that silence is not a command that can be forced,
It is a choice that I am done choosing.
So I stand here today, telling you this so that it never has to happen to you,
But I must be too late,
Because all I hear…
Is silence.

popularity equation( really early poem )

It isn’t about the letters on your grade sheet
Why can’t it be about uniquity?
I am talking about the difficulty of understanding popularity
We are taught to be ourselves and different
But those rewarded in life represent nothing but conformity
This is the eternal unbroken code of popularity
For some the instinct to be the same is innate
For others it is taught and learned
But I really hate working to be something I’m not
Let’s analyze the word popularity
P is for the perseverance required to remain popular
O is for obsolete which is what happens to this skill when you’re out of school
P is for plundering your soul forever
Now let me explain further on plundering
This is a variable in the equation not the answer
All it does it hurt not help
Kill not create
And when it is all over you are left with ex-friends
And no soul
So if you are considering attempting this equation
Understand that the outcome will always be negative
Back on track we go on to
U is for unending devotion to the lifestyle of popularity
L is for losing life skills to gain fake friends but don’t forget to carry the O for this part
A is for arrogance which is critical to be popular because if you are Arrogant you can’t comprehend the emotions of others as you crush them in an attempt to be noticed
R is for ripping and tearing away all chances at a few real friends for a bunch of fake friends.
I is for the instincts required to get noticed and stay popular
T is for the total destruction of a normal life in order to maintain a fake one
And Y is the question people always ask when they realize the cost of being popular
And I know these words firing from my mouth constantly
Just like the chemicals from a factory must confuse you
But pay attention to the equation
Because if you do you might realize why the code hasn’t been broken
Why the equation hasn’t been solved
It is because breaking this code and solving this equation with 10 variables
Gains you nothing but pain
And costs you everything that makes you you.
So forget popularity like me
And focus only on uniquity.

poetic life

I am poetry
Poetry is my life
And ink runs through these veins
Creating constant chaos as consonants collide with
Vowels vowing to create a poem
Promising my powerful voice
Prose to keep people entranced
Enticing wordplay titillates my taste buds
Like the first bite of fresh fruit
And though living through poetry is hard
The ink always delivers

future transplant

"oh say can you see"
We live in a war torn world
Born into a society where American flags are given a shrine everyday
See I have to stand and put my hand over my heart every morning
So that I can pledge allegiance
To a nation that robbed cribs for soldiers
You injected a hallucinogen traced back to the colors of red white and blue in his mind
He popped pills of obedience
And locked himself into a future that was decided for him when he started to learn the words "God Bless America"
Should be more important than I love you
I guess that is why he didn't hear the warnings
Loved ones told him of dangers
But he couldn't hear them because he had the star spangled banner playing in his mind
See we got lucky
Because his body rejected the transplant
And America learned you can't inject futures
Since he was
Found in the hospital
He woke from a country induced coma
And took the American flag off his eyes
So that when they asked if he still wanted to join
He decided that maybe you can choose your own future
And replied no to uncle sam's love letter
So that his heart could stay beating.
And he walks away in a jacket with his future in his hands
Instead of wearing a uniform and holding a gun while singing "oh say can you see"

new orleans love

I don’t belong here
I don’t belong in a suburb in Chapel Hill
I belong in my birthplace
I want to taste sweet crawfish and let shrimp swim through my mind not moving vans
I want to re-visit old locations and remember aquariums
I want to go back to my Marti grad roots
But my New Orleans is broken
And memories leak like the faucets from my eyes as I look at the destruction patterns
It still leaves its mark to this day
And 6 years later Katrina leaves acid marks on my heart
That bitch broke my home and I wasn’t even there
See I want to go back so I can remember
And I stand on the edge of sanity
Because in 2005 I saw my birthplace die
And decided to change the channel
Because I could not comprehend so I decided to pretend
That I was devastated
But in reality I was just living in a house in Massachusetts
And friends felt bad for me but I replied carelessly
Why would you expect me to care for a land that I lost connection to
Before I had time to ask its name
It whispered sweet warning to leave
So we did
We left
And we moved to a new state
I will always hate the decision I made
And the skeletons peer out of my closet occasionally
Because they are crowded in there
See I didn’t let anyone know
But when I began to remember my homeland
I took the burden of the lives lost
And thousands live in my closet
I open the door occasionally.
I look at souls that made no mistakes just had bad timing
And I begin to shed a tear for my homeland
Where I wish I could say I was there to help

poetry poem thing

I intertwine some lines
See that mic takes over
And when I am near it
The sound barrier is a challenge
Not a bond
And you will see me shake
I convulse as poetry takes me
Takes over and I fight for power
Which only supports my voice
So I told my poetry to steer clear
Because my voice fears the mic
It fears the power
Because when I feel that electrical vibration in my vocal cord
Restraints break and I set free
Teaming up with poetry
I go too high
Like that druggie down the road
Those needle marks hide under alliteration always amorous of metaphors and similes my voice is like a kid at the playground on a sunny day
And that mic is like the bike I will never let go of
So when my time is up
It is like withdrawal
So I take another shot
And let poetry take over
Dropping stanzas like acid
I am a poetry addict
And giving me a mic
Is like currency in the poem black market
I watch as my dealers take me to school
And I would rather get high on onomatopoeia
Than on the wrong type of Novakane
That keyboard is my arm and poetry injects it's life
So I have more ink in these veins than blood
And I want to let you know
That you will never see me
At a rehab for a life style
Poetry is me and we live on the mic
So don't you dare try to take it back

love addiction

I have an addiction
You see every night I inject myself with infatuation
So I can wake up and see you
I can hold you
I can remember that you always wore strawberry lip gloss
And had cute dimples every time you smiled
See I brought needle to skin
But I didn’t feel pain
Only the warmth of you next to me
I reminisced of plans past
And I see a bright future with kids
And we both planned to be spacemen
But summer day dreams freeze in winter
And things got messed up
When middle school came around
Awesome friendships
Became awkward glances.
And movie trips became more about behind the scenes
Then what was on the big screen
And flashy new advertisements
Showed flawed promises of future friends
But when we grew apart I relied on a needle
See I learned that LSD or PCP may be great for druggies
But all I needed was you
So when I moved to NC
You just moved on
And all I have left to remember you by is a needle
But when I tell a needle I love you
It doesn’t reciprocate
So I stop taking my daily dose of reality
Because I wanted to take you back in time with me
To play dates past
Because I don’t want to just walk down memory lane
I want to build my house on it
And live in the future
We created in the past.


Her own body fighting against her,
Trying to stay alive
Not for her benefit
But for ours
Unfortunately this is a battle
That cannot be won by strength
Or perseverance
The only thing that can help fight this
Is medication.
But she is already drugged.
Drugged on the idea that this disease
Can be cured.
However this drug can not be prescribed
And does not have a daily dosage
This drug is the epitome if society
The thing that keeps it together
Or breaks it apart
This drug is belief.
Belief that anything can be changed
A disease
The world
World hunger
And so much more
But because this drug is never prescribed
It is so rare
The world needs a shot of it now
Because they seen to have gone crazy
Thinking that by simply by taking a pill
You will be fine.
But this is so much stronger than a pill
Or a syrup!
Instead if getting high on the drugs in the kitchen,
Get high on the drugs of imagination and belief
The ones that appear
To disappear when they are needed the most.
But this is only an illusion
They are never gone
We just overlook them as we reach to the back for something stronger.
The medicine of delusion.
The brains way of forgetting things for awhile.
Of not focusing on what is important
But instead on what is interesting.
So instead of hearing about AIDS and war
You hear about how Angelina and Brad
Tore apart because it is easier.
Easier to focus on the superficial
Than the stuff that isn't artificial
Like the pain of children dying.
As she hears the screams of the tortured souls who did not pay attention when they should have.
She is slipping under the influence of belief.
Belief that this is a dream,
That she can survive,
And that the world is a happy place. But she looks over and realizes that she has been on the wrong meds all along.
Instead of believing she was dreaming
Because she was taking delusions
And as she rips the IV from her arm and walks away to fight another day she only starts to realize that many think that they believe
but only few are not under the influence of delusion. So she stands living breathing and fighting for awareness not for herself, but for us.

crisis contest

The pain of others crying
In places long forgotten
Because a new crisis became the focus.
These cries hurt me but apparently no one else.
We as a country focus on the worst crisis possible
And help,
But only until another one comes along,
And then we act like the old crisis
Does not exist anymore.
“This is so fucked up”
I scream
But they can’t hear me,
They are too busy
Focusing on the war in iraq,
But wait news flash,
Now it’s Haiti,
Then Chile
How degrading it must be
To lose out on the wrold crisis contest.
But these contestants did not volunteer
Mother earth put them there.
However, she did not intend to leave them in the dust,
Because it just happened.
A complete coincidence
That 33 chilean miners got stuck underground
Right after the earthquake in Haiti.
However, we must take blame
For abandoning Haiti
Just because chile screamed louder.
I guess this is the universe
Giving a personal “fuck you”
To the losing contestants
But they can’t hear
Because of the shrieking of those still in pain
Who are realizing there are no winners in this game
Only survivors.

the gay soldier

I want to talk to you
I want to tell you about a soldier boy
Want to tell you
About Andrew McFort
A media fixation
Of a media sensation
Because we don't we don't want to here about charlie sheen
Don't want to here
His liquor cabinet tell stories of parental abuse that would give you nightmares for life
I want to tell you the real life of a gay soldier
Who fought so a family man
Wouldn't have to
Who hid his sexuality
To protect his identity
He had to lie to himself.
Only Wanted the American dream
Which is nothing but a dream
Uncle Sam was his worst enemy
That beard like the devil
In disguise
But it wasn't lucifer who had to
Had to put his hand on a trigger and end a life
He just had to sign the paperwork.
Putting pen in ink
Signing in cursive
As the soldier curses at his enemy
Uncle Sam with that significant sneer
As if to say
I don't right wrongs
I give wrongs to right
While the devil writes the death letter
Like an acceptance in to the University
Of the under world.
What’s wrong with this nation
Not only was Andrew a killer
But a killer hiding in code
Because being gay wasn't okay
And uncle knew all
So if you ever wonder why Sam was silent
On the UNC campus
It is because
He was named after his uncle
And felt the cold judgment
With ruthless calculating eyes
As if to say
test me...
Andrew was tested though
Lying like a lyricist
Putting in song that he wasn't gay
But that was the wrongdoing
We need to stop today.
You see with a show of hands
How many know who Andrew is?
See I discovered him on Facebook
He became the new revolution
He and four others died in Afghanistan
So it's time to take a stand
And July 4th isn't an day for
Because until independence means to be independent and secure
Without being judged
I live in a controlled nation.
I pledge allegiance
To a bright future
I hope my kids can enjoy someday
And when I get to Andrew
When my time comes
I only hope that i see him walking with MLK
And feel free because he is what saved us and awoke us from the media sleeper-hold
Let's Keep Andrew in mind
Because next time we shut off CNN
I want you to pretend that we live in a nation where all are accepted
And you can proudly stand with hand over heart and say
I pledge allegiance to this united states
Where I know I'm free

the black soldier

We live in a mad house society
Where a sense of national pride
Is more important then the death of a black man
I want to talk to that man
The man who was forgotten or abandoned by all but family
Because of his ethnicity
Want to here his point of view why a one time war hero can become a bad president
But a black soldier can die and be lost without a thought
Thank you Mr. Andrew jackson
Tattoo your name on my skin so I can be reminded
Of what a hero looks like in america
Until given power we adored him
Until he abused it we loved him
But even then we remember him
But forget the black soldier
So etch the letters USA in my brain
So that I can forget like all the others
I here stories of people dying peacefully
But I never heard about your death
Becuase you were the black soldier.
The forgotten underdog who fought to keep us safe by putting yourself
In harms way
And you didn’t even get a proper burial burial ground
We are brainwashed anyway
So your life to us isn’t as a good as a white man’s
But it’s not your fault that mary didn’t have a black sheep with wool as dark as night
Society molded our minds
To fit the shape
Of a secretly demeaning children's book
It wasn't your fault that you had 2/3
2/3 of red white and blue
Your pin prick
Brought the red stick that we all have
Your blue veins
That run through your skin
Like roots to a tree that we all have a connection to
Buy you don't have the pasty skin
That seems to bury within
Our minds and makes us feel superior
Which must be why we all forgot
About you
Because you didn't have the obvious tattoo
Of the white skin
Like a pristine porcelain painting
On your face
We saw only the dark skin of your ancestors
Laced with lines of hard work
Protecting us
Protecting a country
That treated you not as an equal
But as an issue
That needed to be shipped away
So that trouble could not be caused
We treated you as if mother earth
Threw black ink on you
To make us look better
So this is to you
To your brethren
Your kin
And to all forgotten black soldiers
This is so that you may be treated equally
I apologize for my races disgrace
Because we should have learned
That equal does not relate to violence
It creates equivalence
So we say sorry and go out today
In search of the missing black soldiers
That we forgot about in a horrible way