Sunday, July 7, 2013

poem for a friend. this is old, but she likes it

She was born into a prison cell and knew the embrace of a straight jacket all too well
she was cut off from everyone and with nobody to hold on to she raised herself up
because her father seemed to live in shadows and the corner of her eyes,
so when she cries she can see his reflection.
she was numb
so she would take the barbed wire from the fence and wrap it around her arm until she felt like it was hugging her DNA
she was probably trying to grow a thicker skin but the metal hit her bloodstream
and she didnt become iron woman
but it sure as hell explains her steel spine
so when people started reaching out she panicked
raised in a penitentiary
in a state that cared more about crops than education she took the tar from her heels and rolled them up into cigarettes so that when she was older she could smoke them and taste her childhood
that bitter sweet taste of love and lies
like a candy bar
filled with razor blades
the comments cut a little deep when she walked into school with long sleeves in the middle of june
97 degrees but she had more fire in her pinky than the sun had in its lifetime
so she was used to heat
and when she was cold she would wrap the barbed wire tighter so she could feel like something was embracing her
she was put into another prison and it goes from dont drop the soap,
to dont drop the act
everyone is fake
dont let them see your real pain
hide it under long sleeve shirts that you have scars from where your childhood has stained your present
you werent packing heat, just a pack in the heat
when i first saw you
i wondered why you acted like you were more used to handcuffs than handshakes
and more used to to a metal knife
than a hug
so when i first saw you and extended my arms
you cringed and i worried because i was hoping you would feel safe
but everyday you come in with a different outfit
However if you look close they all have the same number
Inmate: 0001
You seemed comfortable in a jumpsuit
And i realized that this prison dangled the key to your cuffs in front of you
but you gave up trying to reach it
So when you werent looking i kicked the guard and stole the key but i found out that you preferred to stay shackled
you made yourself out to be a monster in your mind
but that’s what happens when your nightmares become your play toys
you blur reality with misery and call it life
scribbled and fucked up a piece of paper and said it was your past
so i handed you a new sheet and an eraser and said
“than this is your future” i unlocked your handcuffs but you still keep your hands behind your back
and your guard up
so i finally got the courage to ask:
why did you lock yourself up inside prison walls that only you can see?
why did you limit what should be free?
why dont you want to come out of your cell?
she told me
“it’s because the bars to my cells are written in the double helix of my DNA
my past would indicate a less than ideal tomorrow and my genetics dont scream success so i would rather lock myself up before i become a train wreck
and i began realizing
how can it be a train wreck if you wont even start the engine
your wasting your ticket to life so i busted you out and told you shed your shackles and be all you can be
and i handed you a piece of paper while you ran away from hiding
and on it was a picture of a cloud and this poem
because your roots grow deep into the earth, but the sky is always the limit if you just keep on growing

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