Sunday, July 7, 2013

my final poem...out of place on the blog.

This is the last poem i ever write
Because i cant even remember my own words over the numbers repeating
See the slam runs my mind more often than the similes
and in the modern world it is more about the points then about the poetry
but something doesn’t add up y’all
See i get up here, bare my soul for you to poke and prod at
and i even let you judge how well my hand translated the memories
but all i can think is
i got that really annoying sweaty translator
who did this as a summer job and doesn’t speak the language very well
see my hands are already shaking and i am not even half way down this paper
and that single bead of sweat rolling down my face but if i wipe it away
i lose the audience
so i let it slide down even though it bothers me
so much
but what do i care?
this is the last poem i ever write
so you know what?
and another thing, if i am going out
i may as well go out strong. loud booming voice, not a timid one hiding behind a mic
like a kid not ready to share his toys with his “friends”
i think that is what i hate most about slams
it reminds me of being that awkward kid on the playground
hide from the bullies and the teachers telling you to suck it up
you feel alone,
see i have been interviewed and questioned 4 times about what poetry means to me
and every time i say family and freedom
then i guess slams, are the battlegrounds and poetry becomes a new type of linguistic warfare
so i may as well drop a few “F” bombs to impress the war generals
but when dropping them so senselessly,
it becomes redundant
so more often than not, i like to stay silent
see slams bring out that evil side of me
where i would rather pull myself up on top to win
than lend a hand to a friend who is falling down
slams taught me a lesson
i learned it this past Saturday when i went to a role model that i look up to and talked and asked for help with practice,
and she said “we are rivals now, we should work separate”
slams are the fracture that doesn’t heal quite right
so you constantly get those muscle pains
and you walk like someone hit you in the gut
because it sure feels that way
but i am used to it
i am sick of it
And another thing,
since this is my last poem ever,
i want to go on the record as saying
do not judge me differently because of my age
i started writing in 7th grade,
but that doesn’t mean that you should see me as younger, because i am the same age as many of the adult writers today when they started spitting
so please, one more “but you’re so young”
and i may show you what the underside of a chair feels like
if i seem angry
or upset
i apologize
but i needed to summarize to get these lines down
because after this
i quit
no more
this my last poem ever
i am the childrens book of poetry
because Ian had a terrible no good very bad day
in the world of slams
so i am done
like a stoner, i used to inject myself with emotion to turn my blood into ink and write my life into a poem
mix my nightmares with my memories and write pieces that would let you see the monsters that inhabit my ever swirling head
so i ask them to quickly fuel my mind so i can crank out another poem
because i need some new shit to get some good scores
but now i would like to tell everyone that
since this is my last poem,
i had a checklist
see i had my last poetic meal
i gobbled down metaphors
and similes like i had never tried them before
but they didn’t sit right with me
so took 2 tums and let my meal write my obituary
but i wanted one request
see judges,
i want you to look at me
and read my lips when i say “ i don’t want you to let me through unless i earn it, and i want you to know, that from now on, my pieces will be like whose line is it anyways”
because the points don’t matter
it is the poetry that counts
and it is likely you will give me a score high enough to keep me wanting more
but low enough to not let me pass
keep me coming back like a poetry addict
so give me a 1
because i am done
and i know you couldn’t care less about what this all means
but i want to take this time to apologize because this, will be my last poem ever

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