Sunday, July 7, 2013

dear james poem (for batman shootings)

your school called again james
you went into class on halloween and failed the assignment of wear a costume to school
i think i know why
i believe you already wear masks on your face everytime you smile
i bet your skin feels as fake as plastic
so i have to ask
are you a mannequin?
put in different positions without control
and a certain quality
like you have a hole where your heart should be
but i know you arent the grinch
maybe you run around and hide your personality for others to find one day like a prize
but you aren’t the easter bunny
i see the problem
you are hollow
you hung your morals like your enemies in your mind
dont let anyone see your drawings on that little notebook
you dont keep skeletons in your closet,
you take them to school with you
pretend they are friends
but i am worried
because the skeletons look scared to be around you
when it should be vice versa
but welcome to america
where we shove insecurity to the bottom
and blame mental illness on ADD
but some things just dont add up.
James, i heard you make weapons out of pencils
maybe you were just getting ready to fill others with lead
prepare for your destiny
you wear your future like a bullet proof vest
don’t let others close
maybe you ARE the grinch
because people are scared to touch you with a 39 1/2 foot pole
i wonder why your mom cries when she sees your picture
you smile like evil and good sit on your shoulders
but you dont exorcise your demons
you embrace them
and make them stronger
see you don’t exorcise them
you exercise them
make them sprint through your thoughts
and they run your brain. i wish i could see the future james
because on June 15th, 2005
The trilogy that would end with a kiss of death like you were making out with the grim reaper
released itself and spoke to your mind and made sense, but you agreed with the wrong side
screw the good side
if batman begins
you realised he must end as well
so you prepared yourself and trained like batman had personally taken your morality
and if you couldn’t get it back
might as well go down fighting.
You put punching gloves on like they were part of a work uniform
some wear suits
but you just wore that business casual you knew all too well
walked around like you were still uncomfortable in your own skin
i wonder if you asked yourself
how you got those scars where your heart used to be
I think you got used to living in nightmares like you were room mates with scarecrow
i bet you let your demons sign that lease.
wrote it off for protection when you picked up that semi-automatic and held a shotgun in your left and 2 pistols in your pockets
i hope you felt wrong
you could protect yourself from your nightmares now
but your only enemy was yourself
but the mirror showed you everyone but yourself
so you blamed them
and on July 18th 2008
you saw one other who lived through what you had seen every time you closed your eyelids
but the problem is the joker was a character that killed more than just box offices
see a man meant to simply act like a villain of your calibur couldn’t handle the darkness
i wonder if when you read the headlines
you didnt see a suicide
but rather a position opening and you were qualified better than anyone else
bought a ticket to your future
and you put your evil to work when you got the letter from your school asking you to kindly leave and seek help.
I wish you had actually come to me
see this conversation could have been a session
but instead this is an obituary
you may be alive but everyone knows you are truly dead
worst part is we worry about zombies when they already walk among us
And on July 20th 2012
i wonder if you felt like when the movies ended
so did your life
so you fought it
by taking it out on the audience that laughed at the joker
and you assumed they were laughing at you
I wonder if you threw tear gas
so that they could cry like you did
you opened fire into a crowd of innocent but you saw life through a costume and so your eyes were like glasses that blocked morality instead of the sun
so you only saw enemies instead of people
killed 12 and injured so many more
you were an all american boy
that saw blood on his flag instead of stripes,
or maybe you just saw the stars
you seem turned around and in your picture
you smile like you had just won the competition
but it was more like war
and i would say you were both sides
and so you lost
and the rest were K.I.A.
You face 142 counts.
I want you to know
i didnt write this because I pity you james
i just want to know why you don’t pity yourself
because even monsters
admit they are monsters

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