Sunday, October 13, 2013

a poem for a close friend of mine

were art hell bent on breaking your own frame
you were strength taken and concentrated into a package big enough to be heard
but quiet enough to be just mumbles
like you were born with a muzzle
this poem
is untitled
because i refuse to define you by your past
by your name
by your boundaries
you are more than what is written in the double helix of your DNA
climb up those ladder rungs that dare try to define you
until you reach top
and then scream
scream for the hate you have felt
scream for each bruise to be blamed on others
scream for all you are worth
and then realize you wont stop screaming
because your worth is unimaginable
your life is unending
your poem is untitled because i have never had words flow so fast through my finger tips
and i am trying to describe you
not confine you in this piece of work
your life has already written epics to rival the iliad
your odyssey may not not end in a homerun
but at least the author wasnt blind to her own short comings
you are honest
honest with yourself
honest with others
honestly i cant seem to find why anyone would hurt you
even your faults create lines in this literature
like earthquakes breaking bones
you describe your life as a disaster
and far from natural
born to change lives
the fire in your soul
leached into your appearance’
so each nod and wave
is followed by a firework of red hair and strength
you could move mountains if only you knew where to lift
start with yourself’
and lift’
lift yourself from your past
lift yourself up from this ground the world seems to like to kick you to
lift until each tear isnt seen as weakness but rather as proof
proof that you are alive
proof that you are meant to be different
proof that you are worth the words on this page
that sometimes art wasnt meant to be put in borders
and it wasnt meant to be messed with
it was meant to be feared
it was meant to be learned from’
but most importantly, it was meant to be powerful
so i guess i can see the oil on your canvas each time you smile
you see your life as a picasso
everything out of place
but i promise each brush stroke that dare define your complexion
was executed so carefully
even leonardo da vinci would admire the acryllic alias you go by
so one day
when you break out of this musuem of a life and change something
do me a favor
and dont let this world damage such a priceless piece of work

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