Sunday, October 13, 2013

poem to the rapist who raped my friend

do you remember her name?
do you regret it?
do you care?
i swear to god these questions need answers
and they are the first of many
many to come
i wont take this lightly
i wont play nice with you
because you didnt play nice with her
i bet you never thought i would find out
bet you never thought i would hear her open up to the darkest place
and reveal the violence she experienced at your hand
you scared her
you scarred her
she hides this broken tissue under makeup
covers up the bruises faint enough to be hidden, but present enough to use as a reminder
did you feel your own soul die each time she cried no
please no
god no
but you were content to hear consent in her silenced screams she couldnt make a sound and stood frozen. you took her lack of motion as an easy target and claimed your "prize"
didnt care she was just a freshman naive
she believed you when you told her “no. I’m gay”
“my family will be home”
“it is gonna be a movie night”
she believed and was baited
now broken and bruised
and you had the nerve
to text her after she escaped the bed you threw her on
after you pulled her clothes off
after you did everything but….
she refuses to say the word
like you managed to slam a padlock on her innocence
so trapped in your own ignorance
i bet you even rationalized her rape
repeated each cue line like you had been rehearsing your whole life
time to take center stage you proudly defend “she was dressed provocatively”
“she secretly wanted it”
“she came onto me”
“it was my birthday”
now this last one is the only one that was true
it was your birthday
you turned 18
became just adult enough to ruin someones life
she was 14
14 when you stripped her of her dignity
14 when you almost managed to force your lies between her thighs
she is too scared to press charges
too scarred to press charges
a 14 year old girl who learned the definition of PTSD
she will keep going to therapy for what you did to her
she can recall vivid images
like how you kept boxes of baseball cards memorizing statistics to save your life
like how ken griffy junior batted 311
and you could rely on 57
57 percent of rapists are found innocent
and less than 10 percent of rapes are even reported
i only wish she had retorted
the worst part was that i knew you
i talked to you
i shook hands at open mics and exchanged pleasantries
let you hear the most private parts of my soul
and when i learned you raped her private parts and killed her soul
my first thought was shock
followed by awe
not aww like fireworks
or awe like wonder
but aww as in “AWWW HELL NAW”
how dare you call yourself human
how dare you call yourself a poet
how dare you stand before survivors and victims and pretend that you sympathize more with this side of the heinous crime you decided was alright to try on a little girl only now reaching the mend
not knowing her friend
knew you
knows you
her friend who would much rather handle this the old fashioned way
with a back to back walk
10 paces turn and fire
but i guess i will have to just shoot you with this poem
load my pen with ink like bullets born from legend
and put my soul behind each trigger
squeeze lightly
and wait for you to say no
wait for you to beg for your life
wait for you to be filled with the fear of staring at someone who doesnt care about your life
but has the ability to end it
wait for you to feel
exactly like she felt
before you pulled the trigger
and killed her childhood in one squeeze

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